Stock Handling & Animal Welfare

Sheep Sustainability Framework seeks wool processing talent

AUSTRALIA’S Sheep Sustainability Framework is looking for business professionals with experience in wool processing and retail to join its steering group. The independent steering group guides the Framework in its..Read More

Sheep Central, June 12, 2024

Top boxer rates buying good Kelpies above fighting

MEN’S Australian middleweight boxing champion Mitch Leek handled his first working dog auction at Casterton with aplomb and persistence at the weekend…Read More

Terry Sim, June 11, 2024

Animal welfare increasing as trust in farming driver

ENVIRONMENTAL management was again the strongest driver of social license for rural industries in 2023, a new report has found…Read More

Sheep Central, March 25, 2024

MLA launches online hub with livestock transport tips

A ONE-STOP shop for livestock transport information has been launched by Meat & Livestock Australia at the combined Queensland and Australian Livestock Transporters’ Associations’ National Conference in Toowoomba this week…Read More

Sheep Central, March 22, 2024

Agriculture ministers commit to renew animal welfare strategy

FEDERAL, state, and territory agriculture ministers have today confirmed a commitment to jointly lead the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy and to develop a National Statement on Animal Welfare…Read More

Sheep Central, March 8, 2024

WA sheep farmer hit with $40,000-plus in fines and costs

A WESTERN Australian sheep farmer has been hit with a fine and legal costs exceeding $40,000 after pleading guilty to four counts of animal cruelty, in the Narrogin Magistrates Court last week…Read More

Sheep Central, February 26, 2024

AWI withholds report on mulesed wool sentiments from growers

AUSTRALIAN Wool Innovation has been withholding a key survey report on market mulesed/non-mulesed wool sentiments from the nation’s peak grower body, WoolProducers Australia…Read More

Sheep Central, November 13, 2023

Italians alert Australian growers of non-mulesed wool crisis

ITALY’S wool trade has told Australia’s superfine growers it is facing a crisis with customers soon to cease accepting products originating from mulesed Merino sheep…Read More

Terry Sim, July 26, 2023

New Zealand shearers shape-up for big match at Royal Welsh Show

THE Wools of New Zealand Shearing Sports New Zealand team is closing in on the last stages of its 2023 UK tour with hopes of scoring its first win in the last two tests against Wales…Read More

Doug Laing, Shearing Sports New Zealand, July 26, 2023

NSW Police investigate Merino ewe flock theft near Harden

NEW South Wales Police’s Rural Crime Prevention Team is investigating the theft of almost 300 sheep near Harden recently…Read More

Sheep Central, December 12, 2022

AWI non-mulesed wool inaction slammed in ANAO submission

AUSTRALIAN Wool Innovation has been called out on its lack of targets on mulesing, non-mulesed wool production and sheep welfare, in an animal welfare group submission to the Australian National Audit Office…Read More

Terry Sim, November 30, 2022

Booster awareness lifts hopes for flystrike vaccine

A VACCINATION in early spring with a booster soon after is looking like the delivery method for a vaccine to counter flystrike being developed by CSIRO…Read More

Liz Wells, August 18, 2022

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