Live Export

Sheep producers and exporters condemn live export ban vote

AUSTRALIA’S peak sheep meat body and livestock exporters have condemned the Federal Government’s hurried passing of laws to ban live sheep exports by seas from 1 May 2028…Read More

Sheep Central, July 3, 2024

Senate passes law to ban Australia’s live sheep exports by sea

THE ALBANESE Government’s policy to ban live sheep exports by sea from Australia on 1 May 2028 was passed into law tonight, despite vocal opposition from several Nationals, Liberal and Independent senators…Read More

Sheep Central, July 1, 2024

Government cuts live sheep debate before vote tonight

LEGISLATION to end live sheep exports by sea was debated in the Senate today, limited by a government ‘guillotine’ motion as a Keep The Sheep delegation arrived in Canberra to lobby key senators…Read More

Terry Sim, July 1, 2024

Teal MP backs off live sheep ban, others target cattle exports

WITH the live sheep ban passing the house of representatives and heading for the senate, members of the crossbench have started the campaign against live cattle exports…Read More

Eric Barker, June 28, 2024

Nationals Senate push for a live sheep export inquiry fails, but …..

A SECOND attempt to instigate a full Senate inquiry into legislation phasing out live sheep exports by sea failed by a close margin in parliament today, but has given Western Australian industry leaders heart their battle “is still not over.”..Read More

Terry Sim, June 27, 2024

Live sheep export bill passes House of Representatives

LEGISLATION to ban live sheep exports by seas on 1 May 2028 has passed the House of Representatives today, with the sheep industry now focused on getting a Senate inquiry into the trade phaseout and shoring up any crossbench support for the Senate vote tonight…Read More

Sheep Central, June 26, 2024

WA meat processor backs retention of live sheep exports

WESTERN Australian sheep meat processor Hillside Meat Processors has today offered financial support for the Keep The Sheep campaign launched to retain live sheep exports by sea…Read More

Sheep Central, June 26, 2024

Opinion: Live sheep ban, through a different lens

The hairy-chested agri-politicians who are pushing back so vigorously against the Australian live sheep export ban are not serving their constituents well, argues live export veterinarian and consultant Tony Brightling..Read More

Livestock veterinarian Dr Tony Brightling, June 26, 2024

ALEC sees live sheep export markets still low on DAFF’s list

A DEPARTMENTAL recommendation in 2023 to give health protocols for new live sheep export market a lower priority was not implemented, but exporters still believe the approvals are “down the list”, Sheep Central has been told…Read More

Terry Sim, June 24, 2024

Sheep and wool bodies can live sheep export bill inquiry

AUSTRALIA’S peak sheep and wool producer bodies have described a parliamentary committee decision giving the go-ahead to the Albanese Government’s proposed ban on the live export of sheep by sea as “rushed, unprofessional and thoughtless.”..Read More

Sheep Central, June 24, 2024

Inquiry backs live sheep export ban, but with more money

THE Albanese Government’s proposed legislation to phaseout live sheep exports by sea should be passed but transition funding should be increased, an advisory report released today has recommended…Read More

Terry Sim, June 21, 2024

Prime Minister called out on ‘keep the sheep’ comments

AUSTRALIA’S peak livestock exporter body has hit back at Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s belittling of the Western Australia sheep industry’s Keep The Sheep campaign messaging…Read More

Sheep Central, June 19, 2024

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