Animal ID and monitoring

Tasmania sheep flocks get EID tag colour and timeline concessions

Sheep Central May 27, 2024

Lambs with electronic ear tags.

TASMANIAN sheep and goat producers now have until 1 January 2027 to ensure all stock leaving their properties have electronic ear tags.

And producers in the state will be able to claims EID tag or leg band rebates on a range of different coloured devices in a scheme that opens on 1 June 2024.

Tasmania had previously said all sheep and goats leaving their property will need an EID tag by 1 January 2025.

However, now in Tasmania from 1 January 2025 all sheep and goats born on or after 1 January 2025 must have an EID tag before they leave their property. And from 1 January 2027, all sheep and goats leaving their property will need an EID tag.

All supply chain participants will be ready to scan electronic tags and upload movement data to the National Livestock Identification System from 1 January 2025.

Minister for Primary Industries and Water Jane Howlett said she had listened carefully to the state’s producers.

“And I understand that they need reasonable timeframes to transition to the new arrangements and assistance with the changes.

“I am pleased to announce a phased introduction of mandatory tagging requirements, and the early opening of the rebate scheme for tags,” she said.

“This will provide our producers with the time that they need, and flexibility to comply with the new requirements.

“Regulations will be introduced to underpin these targets and meet the national requirements, with draft regulations to be released for public comment later this year,” Minister Howlett said.

From 1 June, producers will be able to apply for a rebate of $1 per electronic ear tag, and $4 per goat leg band. The tag rebate scheme will also apply retrospectively.

Producers who have already purchased electronic tags in 2024 will be eligible for the rebate, acknowledging that they have been on the front foot. There will also not be any limitations on the colour of tags.

The government said the announcements are in addition to the Tasmanian Government’s $11.66 million support package, over four years, which provides help with the costs of new equipment for impacted parties including:

  • Rebates for up to 75 percent of costs for scanning infrastructure for eligible supply chain participants (including livestock agents, processors, saleyards, transit yards);
  • Rebates of up to 100pc of costs for scanning equipment for eligible agricultural societies and not-for-profit groups; and
  • Rebates of up to 75pc of costs for handheld scanning devices for eligible producers.

For more information about EID and how to get help, visit:


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