
Sheep Producers Australia fills two board positions

Sheep Central November 9, 2020

Sheep Producers Australia board member Robert Herrmann.

SHEEP Producers Australia has appointed two candidates – analyst Robert Herrmann and producer Bindi Murray — for vacant positions on its board.

SPA chair Chris Mirams officially welcomed Mr Herrmann to the SPA board and congratulated Bindi Murray on her re-appointment at the SPA annual general meeting on November 2.

“I am pleased to announce that at the SPA annual general meeting (last week) the state farming organisation members have voted to accept the recommendation of the board selection committee.

“Bindi Murray has been re-appointed, and I would like to welcome Robert Herrmann to the SPA board.”

WA sheep producer Bindi Murray

Mr Mirams said Bindi and Robert bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and enthusiasm to the board.”

SPA works to enhance the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the Australian sheep and lamb industry and the role of the board is crucial to developing strategy and in managing risk and compliance.

Mr Mirams said the SPA board has a clear sense of purpose, to provide strategic leadership to the sheep industry, enabling a productive, profitable, and sustainable future.

“This purpose is enabled by three pillars – a sustainable organisation, providing trusted leadership and creating effective policy and advocacy.

“Board members not only address board issues but are also very active participants in many of SPA’s activities and represent SPA on many industry organisations,” he said.

“I look forward to continuing to progress our goals with a capable and passionate board that embraces contemporary governance and has a culture of continual improvement.”

The SPA board selection committee put forward Mr Herrmann and Ms Murray as candidates for the two board positions last month. The independent committee comprised four state farming organisation members and independent chair Daryl Quinlivan.



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