
WoolProducers Australia pursues processing options in Vietnam

PEAK wool grower body WoolProducers Australia is continuing to pursue early-stage processing opportunities in Vietnam…Read More

Sheep Central, June 12, 2024

PALM change too late to incite shearing industry interest

A CHANGE to the weekly minimum work hour requirement under the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme seems to have arrived too late to benefit the shearing industry…Read More

Terry Sim, June 7, 2024

Shearers get quality tips at women’s shearing workshop

QUALITY was the key to keeping shearing jobs in the current more competitive environment, female shearers were told at a two-day Shear N Gear shearing workshop in north-west Victoria last week…Read More

Terry Sim, June 3, 2024

Quarterly national lamb slaughter highest on record – ABS

AUSTRALIA has recorded its highest quarterly lamb slaughter on record from January to March this year of almost 7 million head…Read More

Sheep Central, May 17, 2024

Women’s shearing workshop overwhelmed by interest

WORLD record shearer Catherine Mullooly has helped fill a two-day shearing workshop in Victoria within 24 hours, highlighting the growing role of women on the handpiece in Australian wool sheds…Read More

Sheep Central, May 10, 2024

Trailblazing Aussie shearer Jeanine sets first Merino ewe record

NEW South Wales’ Jeanine Kimm has battled cold temperatures to be the first Australian woman to set an official world shearing record and the first female to do it with Merino sheep…Read More

Terry Sim, May 6, 2024

Italian wool industry bankrolls global standards initiative

LEADING Italian wool processors and brands have offered to fund the creation of global traceability and sustainability standards for the natural fibre and increased advocacy in the European Union…Read More

Terry Sim, May 3, 2024

Have your say on shearer, wool classer and shed hand training

A PROJECT aimed at redesigning training programs for shearers, wool classers and shed hands will hold in-person consultation workshops across Australia next month…Read More

Sheep Central, April 24, 2024

Crossbred lamb bioharvesting option could be ‘first cab off the rank’

A WOOL bioharvesting option for crossbred lambs with low value fleece could be first product of research to harvest wool without shearing, the University of Adelaide’s Professor Phil Hynd said at the International Wool Textile Organisation Congress in Adelaide last week…Read More

Terry Sim, April 22, 2024

Revamped Australian wool integrity scheme should go global

REVAMPED wool integrity program – the Australian Wool Sustainability Scheme – could help increase world demand for the natural fibre, according to a European top maker…Read More

Terry Sim, April 17, 2024

Vietnam early-stage wool processing roadmap launched

A ROADMAP for early-stage wool processing development in Vietnam has been agreed to and launched with peak grower body WoolProducers Australia and the Australian Government…Read More

Sheep Central, April 17, 2024

Shearer Luke sets new Merino ewe record at 500 in WA

NEW Zealand-born shearer Luke Vernon is officially a world record holder on his first attempt after shearing 500 Merino ewes in eight hours on Friday. The 28 year-old has had..Read More

Sheep Central, April 15, 2024

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