Community & Lifestyle

Look after the number one profit drivers — you and your ewes

AGRIBUSINESS consultant Ken Solly addressed the increased stress levels that dry conditions in southern Victoria are imposing on farmers at a Glenelg Grass Growers BestWool/Best Lamb field Day this week…Read More

Agricbusiness consultant Ken Solly, May 24, 2024

Consumer retail confidence lifting, but still patchy

AFTER a tough 2023, Australian consumer confidence is on the rise; however, it remains patchy, a new consumer survey has found…Read More

Sheep Central, April 22, 2024

Applications open for 2024 NSW Farmers Tertiary Scholarships

A STATEWIDE search is underway for five bright young minds from rural communities as NSW Farmers opens applications for its 2024 Tertiary Scholarships…Read More

Sheep Central, April 5, 2024

Australia should not take food security for granted

AUSTRALIA’S food security should not be taken for granted, according to Agsecure principal, Sheep Producers Australia director and former independent chair of the Safemeat Advisory Group Andrew Henderson…Read More

Agsecure principal Andrew Henderson, April 3, 2024

NTCA 2024: Unity plea as livestock sector at ‘fork in the road’

A TANGIBLE sense that the livestock sector is at a critical juncture and faces an unprecedented challenge to secure the industry for future generations permeated several speeches at the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association’s 40th annual conference in Alice Springs last Friday…Read More

James Nason, March 25, 2024

Red meat dietary research ‘skewed’, independent review finds

AN independent review of evidence on the contribution of red meat to adult nutrition and health has highlighted that large amounts of research are “skewed towards observational studies” that do not provide a fair, or clear assessment of the benefits and risks of meat-containing diets…Read More

James Nason, February 26, 2024

Ag achievers honoured in 2024 Aus Day Awards

SEVERAL achievers with strong links to Australian agriculture have been honoured in the 2024 Australia Day Awards announced this morning…Read More

Sheep Central, January 26, 2024

Warrnambool Shear-a-thon strikes a blow for men’s mental health

A GROUP of shearers, rousabouts and supporters has made a huge contribution toward raising $100,000 for men’s mental health after a 24-hour shear-a-thon at Warrnambool in south-west Victoria last weekend…Read More

Terry Sim, December 13, 2023

Inquiry highlights rising food security challenges for Australia

FOOD security presents real and growing challenges to Australia, an Australian Parliament’s Agriculture Committee inquiry has found…Read More

Sheep Central, December 8, 2023

Rural dwellers less likely to develop dementia, study finds

AUSTRALIANS who enjoy life in the bush could be at less risk of suffering from dementia, new research by the University of Southern Queensland has found…Read More

Sheep Central, November 29, 2023

Cool Kelpie wins National Agriculture Day photo competition

A COOL Kelpie enjoying a dip in a trough watched by some Jersey cows has been awarded first prize in the 2022 National Agriculture Day photo and video competition…Read More

Sheep Central, December 12, 2022

Zetifi raises $12 million to fund digital connectivity push

WAGGA Wagga-based connectivity company Zetifi has raised $12 million through a Series A funding round, which will help ready the on-farm and remote area connectivity solutions before a mass-market launch…Read More

Sheep Central, December 8, 2022

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