Wool Market Reports

Chinese wool buying escalates as prices dip in season’s last sales

WOOL prices dropped in all categories except some crossbred wools this week in the last sales of the 2023-24 season, led by increased Chinese buying as values fell…Read More

Sheep Central, June 28, 2024

Forward wool market lacks liquidity as auction prices drift down

FORWARD wool trading again suffered from lack of liquidity this week, with auction values finishing the season on a downward trend as the spot market continued to be governed by the ‘just in time’ strategy of offshore buyers…Read More

Guest Author, June 28, 2024

Australian wool prices fall despite smaller bale offering

WOOL prices fell at Australian auctions this week despite the bale offering dropping to less than 28,000 bales…Read More

Sheep Central, June 21, 2024

Forward wool trading started solidly early this week

THE wool forward market started the week solidly bid by traders expecting a continuation of the recent positive auction price trend…Read More

Michael Avery, Southern Aurora Markets partner, June 21, 2024

Renewed European and Indian interest at wool auctions

WOOL prices lifted at Australian auctions this week, with early signs of European and Indian interest in Merino lines…Read More

Sheep Central, June 14, 2024

Forward wool traders cautious despite auction lift

FORWARD wool trading remained cautious as all micron groups in the spot auction market posted solid gains of 1-2 percent…Read More

Michael Avery, Southern Aurora Markets partner, June 14, 2024

Wool prices lift as the bale offering drops to season low

WOOL prices lifted in all categories at Australian auctions this week as the national offering dropped to its lowest level since September 2020…Read More

Sheep Central, June 7, 2024

Limited lift in forward wool trading as auction prices improve

IT was a solid week for wool prices at auctions across Australia and there was a limited lift in forward trading…Read More

Michael Avery, Southern Aurora Markets partner, June 7, 2024

Wool prices improve for smallest seasonal auction offering

WOOL prices improved  in all categories at Australian auctions this week for what was the smallest offering this season…Read More

Sheep Central, May 31, 2024

Longer term wool forward contracts more positive

THE spot auction wool market continued the up and down pattern as it tries to bounce off support levels for most of the micron groups…Read More

Michael Avery, Southern Aurora Markets partner, May 31, 2024

Wool prices generally slightly lower with stable demand

MOST Australian wool prices drifted lower again this week, although some crossbred and some fine Merino categories showed positive movement at auctions…Read More

Sheep Central, May 24, 2024

Modest forward wool trading with uninspiring auction results

FORWARD wool trading was modest this week as the spot auctions again failed to deliver much if any inspiration…Read More

Michael Avery, Southern Aurora Markets partner, May 24, 2024

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