Stock Handling & Animal Welfare

Victorian sheep farmer pleads guilty to aggravated cruelty

A NORTHERN Victorian farmer has pleaded guilty to three counts of aggravated cruelty involving sheep, and been fined $2000 and ordered to do 100 hours of community service…Read More

Sheep Central, June 26, 2024

Tasmanian lamb producers work on high volume system

TASMANIAN lamb producer Burbury Ag will design and build an efficient high volume sheep handling system with an $85,821 grant from the Coles Nurture Fund…Read More

Sheep Central, June 12, 2024

Sheep Sustainability Framework seeks wool processing talent

AUSTRALIA’S Sheep Sustainability Framework is looking for business professionals with experience in wool processing and retail to join its steering group. The independent steering group guides the Framework in its..Read More

Sheep Central, June 12, 2024

Top boxer rates buying good Kelpies above fighting

MEN’S Australian middleweight boxing champion Mitch Leek handled his first working dog auction at Casterton with aplomb and persistence at the weekend…Read More

Terry Sim, June 11, 2024

Animal welfare increasing as trust in farming driver

ENVIRONMENTAL management was again the strongest driver of social license for rural industries in 2023, a new report has found…Read More

Sheep Central, March 25, 2024

Lamb mortality is on the animal activist agenda

ANIMAL welfare body FOUR PAWS is focussing on lamb mortality in Australia as an industry-funded study concludes high temperatures during critical periods could result in 2.1 million fewer lambs annually, costing sheep farmers an estimated $97 million each year…Read More

Terry Sim, March 22, 2024

MLA launches online hub with livestock transport tips

A ONE-STOP shop for livestock transport information has been launched by Meat & Livestock Australia at the combined Queensland and Australian Livestock Transporters’ Associations’ National Conference in Toowoomba this week…Read More

Sheep Central, March 22, 2024

VFF and alliance for animals compete on welfare law responses

VICTORIA’S peak farmer body has hit back with a submission template for respondents to a draft Animal Care and Protection Bill after the Australian Alliance for Animals announced an online submission writing workshop this week…Read More

Sheep Central, March 18, 2024

Agriculture ministers commit to renew animal welfare strategy

FEDERAL, state, and territory agriculture ministers have today confirmed a commitment to jointly lead the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy and to develop a National Statement on Animal Welfare…Read More

Sheep Central, March 8, 2024

Victoria extends consultation on proposed animal welfare laws

THE Victorian Government has extended the consultation period on the draft Bill for new animal care and protection laws that recognize animal sentience…Read More

Sheep Central, February 28, 2024

Tasmanian taskforce to update animal welfare standards

FARMERS have welcomed government plans to establish a taskforce to update animal welfare standards in Tasmania’s meat processing plants in the wake of disturbing activist footage taken inside Tasmanian Quality Meats and other abattoirs…Read More

Sheep Central, December 15, 2023

South Australian footrot measures send sheep into Victoria

SOUTH Australian livestock agents have suggested building saleyards in Victoria to avoid the state government’s footrot monitoring regimen, Sheep Central has been told…Read More

Terry Sim, July 31, 2023

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