Research & Development

Five new directors for meat processors’ R&D body AMPC

Sheep Central November 20, 2023

THE nation’s red meat processing research and development service provider – the Australian Meat Processor Corporation – has a new-look board after five new directors were appointed at the body’s annual general meeting this morning.

John Berry, from JBS Australia, who has served as AMPC chairman for the past six years, has stood down, along with fellow directors Noel Kelson (see recent references to Mr Kelson’s industry contribution here), Tom Maguire from HW Greenham and Brad Teys from Teys Australia. The four were farewelled and thanked for their dedication and expertise provided as part of AMPC’s board during their terms.

Mr Maguire was recently elected chair of the Australian Processor Council, a sub-committee of the Australian Meat Industry Council.

Nine nominations were received for processor director seats, requiring a ballot for the election of the seven processor directors among members.

AMPC’s new board of directors members include:

Frank Herd

Frank Herd – managing director of MC Herd Pty Ltd, a privately held sheep/beef export abattoir in Geelong, Victoria

John Langbridge – a veterinarian with specialist knowledge in regulatory affairs, Mr Langbridge worked for the Federal Department of Agriculture for 27 years, AMIC for four years and currently holds the position of industry affairs manager with Teys Australia.

Trevor Moore – Involved in the Australian meat processing industry for 34 years, Mr Moore’s current role is a senior executive at the Casino Food Co-op in Northern NSW.

Sean Starling – head of Innovation and Industrial Engineering (Southern) at JBS Australia. In prior roles, Mr Starling delivered industry innovation through heading up R&D divisions at MLA and AMPC, and was general manager at robotics and automation developer Scott Technology (Australia), where he was responsible for market development, commercialisation and adoption of innovation into Australian processing companies

Stacey McKenna

Stacey McKenna – Manager of industry affairs at the McKenna family’s Midfield Group processing operations in Victoria.

Returning as AMPC directors for another term following this morning’s AGM are Melissa Fletcher (Fletcher International) and Dean Goode (Kilcoy Global Foods).

Two independent board directors will be announced in a month’s time. A new AMPC chair will be elected among board members in January.

AMPC chief executive Chris Taylor thanked John Berry, who served as AMPC’s chairman for the past six years, for his leadership, expertise and dedication to the role.





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