Research and Development

WoolProducers offers more opportunities

Sheep Central March 23, 2022

WOOLPRODUCERS Australia is offering more opportunities for young industry participants to do an online Australian Institute of Company Director (AICD) course.

The peak grower body has also opened nominations for its next youth ambassador through its Raising the Baa Leadership in Agriculture Program.

WPA chief executive officer Jo Hall said the body had funded 16 wool industry participants from the production, research, veterinary and wool broking sectors to undertake the AICD course over the past four years.

And now another three AICD placements are available because the need to do the course online during the COVID-19 pandemic, rather than in person, has resulted in an ‘underspend’ of WoolProducers’ grant funding.

“Therefore we are able to offer these additional placements,” Ms Hall said.

“We are proud of this program and at its completion, it will have enabled a total of 19 wool industry participants through the esteemed AICD company director course.

“The recipients have been a diverse group of people who all have varying roles within the wool industry,” she said.

WoolProducers is seeking AICD course and ambassador nominations from interested parties who have a passion for the wool industry and are active in any sector of the industry.

The AICD Company directors course is a globally recognised qualification which provides participants with a thorough understanding of corporate governance.

The WoolProducers Youth Ambassador provides a young person aged between 18-35 years of age with the opportunity to join the WoolProducers board as an observer for a 12-month period.

WPA said such is the success of the Raising the Baa program, the WoolProducers board has resolved to keep the youth ambassador roles continuing past the initial planned conclusion of the project.

The project was originally due to be completed in 2020; however, given the interruptions caused by the pandemic, this was extended until 2022.

“The youth ambassadors are 12-monthly placements and the current ambassadors are due to finish their tenure at the end of June this year, with the new ambassador to be appointed to start in July,” Ms Hall said.

We usually select one Youth Ambassador per year; however, we currently have two, Erin Douglas and Makaela Knapp, as they were both exceptional candidates that we couldn’t choose between during the selection process last year.

“Makaela and Erin have presented high quality policy proposals as part of their ambassadorship and we look forward to seeing them both progress through the industry in coming years,” she said.

“This is in recognition of not only the benefits, experience and insights that the Ambassadors receive, but also the positive influence of having a youth perspective on the discussions around the WoolProducers table.”

This Raising the Baa concept is aimed at providing exposure and experience to young people who have an interest in industry policy development and agri-politics in general.

“The Raising the Baa Program enables current and future leaders of the wool industry to gain knowledge in compliance, risk, strategy, finance and the role of the board.” Ms Hall said.

WoolProducers identified a gap in industry representative capacity building within the Australian wool industry. In order to address this gap, WPA pursued and were successful in obtaining a grant under the Commonwealth Government’s Leadership in Agricultural Industries Fund.

AICD course and youth ambassador travel costs will be covered by the program. Nominees will be required to apply for these positions and all appointments will be merit based. Nominations close on Thursday, 7th April, 2022. For further information email [email protected]



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